SLP Literacy Corner Blog
Welcome to the blog! Read more about literacy instruction and activities.
Literacy Sources
The biggest piece of advice I have when it comes to literacy training and continuing education? Get your information from more than one reputable source! Here’s a running list of my sources.
One Task, Many Literacy Skills
Did you know that is it beneficial for instructional activities to work on multiple literacy skills simultaneously rather than in isolation? It’s true! Check out how I integrated multiple important literacy skills into one spelling activity.
SLP Corner - Podcast Guest Ep. 137
I was invited back as a guest on the SLP Corner podcast, and the new episode is out now! I’ve linked all the resources and references we mentioned in the podcast here in this blog.
SLP Coffee Talk - Podcast Guest
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the SLP Coffee Talk podcast, and the episode is out now! This blog includes links to listen to the podcast and all the resources we mentioned.
Animated Shorts for Literacy
Have you used animated shorts in your literacy lessons? Here are 5 reasons you should consider using them! Check out the animated shorts for literacy handouts in my freebies library for a growing list of links to all my favourite animated shorts.
Speechie Side Up - Podcast Guest
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Speechie Side Up podcast, and the episode is out now! This blog includes links to listen to the podcast and all the resources we mentioned.
Got It Learning Affiliate
Have you heard of Got It Learning reading and spelling card games? If you’re looking for fun phonics games, these card games are for you!
De Facto Leaders - Podcast Guest
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the De Facto Leaders podcast, and the episode is out now! We discussed: what it’s like to be a struggling reader, why evidence-based reading instruction is not just another trend, reading as a basic human right, and more.
Benefits of Audiobooks
Audiobooks are books, and listening to audiobooks still counts as reading! Yes, it is a different reading experience than reading paper books, but there are many benefits to audiobooks including accessibility, building vocabulary, and modelling reading fluency.
Websites for Literacy - Pink Cat Games
Pink Cat Games offers a large library of over 200 games (4 are free!) and questions. Games can be customized to embed your desired target words, sentences, pictures or other targets within a game.
Websites for Literacy - Zoo Live Cameras
Have you tried going on virtual field trips with your students? Many zoos, such as the San Diego Zoo, have live cameras on their website so that you can watch the animals. Go on virtual field trips to get students engaged in a variety of literacy activities!
Pumpkin Spice Literacy Activities
You’ve heard of pumpkin spice lattes, but have you hear of pumpkin spice literacy?! Here are 10 primarily pumpkin themed literacy activities to help you spice up your literacy lessons this fall! They are low-prep, fun, and perfect for fall and spooky season.
Websites for Literacy - The Hanen Book Nook
The Book Nook is a page on The Hanen Centre website that includes tons of practical information about emergent literacy. It is a helpful resource for Speech-Language Pathologists, caregivers, teachers, early childhood educators, and other educators.
Websites for Literacy - Pokémon Pokédex
Pokémon is one of my personal interests, and an interest I share with many of my students! The Pokémon Pokédex can be used in literacy lessons to work on phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, reading fluency, and writing.
Websites for Literacy - UFLI Foundations Toolbox
Many schools in Ontario, Canada have started using the UFLI Foundations program, an explicit and systematic program that teaches students foundational literacy skills. You need to check out all the amazing resources they have made available for free on their website!
Websites for Literacy - DK Find Out!
DK Find Out is my favourite online interactive encyclopedia for students. With school back in session, you’ll want to bookmark this website for nonfiction text reading and research for projects!
Websites for Literacy - Funny Fill-In
Check out the Funny Fill-In activities on the National Geographic Kids website! These “Mad Libs” like word games are an engaging activity for students of all ages, and you can target a wide variety of literacy goals within a single activity.
Medium Lady Talks - Podcast Guest
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Medium Lady Talks podcast, and both episodes are out now. I talked about my personal journey learning to read, building the SLP Literacy Corner community, and all about learning how to read.
SLP Corner - Podcast Guest Ep. 119
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the SLP Corner podcast, and the episode is out now! I’ve linked all the resources we mentioned in the podcast here in this blog.